Along the way, you’ll encounter slimes you’ve never seen before, discover a new type of veggie to cultivate back at the ranch, and narrowly avoid certain doom in a valley of burly, feral slimes. With your ranch set for the day, it’s time to begin exploring the untamed wilds of the Far, Far Range.Next, you’re off to feed slimes their breakfast over at the slime corrals so they don’t get too out of hand during the day.Some slimes are totally not vegetarian, after all.

Then it’s time to gather up the plumpest hens from the chicken coop. You wake at the crack of dawn and get to watering the crops at the ranch.While players are free to approach these challenges however they wish, a typical day might look like this: Each day will present new challenges to players as they attempt to amass a great fortune in the business of slime ranching.