“ bind mwheeldown +jump ” will cause you to jump when you scroll the mouse wheel down.“ bind mwheelup +jump ” will make your character jump when you scroll the mouse wheel up.The console command consists of three separate controls: Change Keybindings to Use Mousewheel to Jump in CS:GO You should now have the command console open whenever you load the game in Steam. Type “-console” without the quotes and press “OK.”.Right-click “CS: GO” from the menu on the left, then click “Properties.”.If you want the CS:GO command console to launch whenever you load the game, use the following steps: Setting the CG:GO Command Console to Load at Launch Press “~” (tilde key) to confirm that the command console opens.
Save the changes by clicking “File -> Save,” then relaunch CS:GO. You can change it to “~” (tilde key) for ease of use. The key after the “=” is the button that opens the console. Press “Ctrl + F” or select “Edit -> Find” in Notepad or “Search -> Find” in Notepad++ and search for “toggleconsole=” without quotes. If the above steps fail to enable the console, close CS:GO, then open the “config.cfg” file in your CS:GO directory using Notepad (or Notepad++). You are done unless it fails to launch the console. This key is usually to the left of the “1” key. Once your console has been enabled, launch it by pressing “~” (tilde button). Click on the “Enable Developer Console” arrows to say Yes. You must enable the feature first before you can use it. To use the mouse wheel to jump in CS:GO, the command console is your friend. Using the Command Console to Jump with the Mouse Wheel in CS:GO